Webinar: Transfer Pricing (Cyprus Fiduciary Association)

Taxand Cyprus in association with the Cyprus Fiduciary Association organized a live online seminar titled “Transfer Pricing” on the 15th of April (09:00 to 13:45).

This 4-hour tax training course introduced participants to relevant principles and methodologies and then covered their application to specific categories of intra-group dealings.

Featured Speakers:

  • Christos A. Theophilou
  • Demis Ioannou
  • Costas Savva
  • Gaspar Lopes Dias V.S.

The following topics were analyzed by our partners:

• Introduction to Transfer Pricing (Comparability Analysis & Transfer Pricing Methods) – Demis Ioannou
• Intra-Group Services – Christos Theophilou
• Transfer Pricing and Intangibles – Gaspar Lopes Dias
• Intra-Group Finance Transactions (focusing on intragroup loans) – Costas Savva

Christos Theophilou
T: +357 22 875 720
E: ctheophilou@cy.taxand.com

Costas Savva
T: +357 22 875 720
E: csavva@cy.taxand.com

Demis Ioannou
T: +357 22 875 720
E: dioannou@cy.taxand.com

Gaspar Lopes Dias
T: +357 22 875 720
E: glopesdias@cy.taxand.com