Christos Theophilou
Transfer Pricing & Corporate Tax
Christos specialises in private clients and corporate tax issues (including transfer pricing) with an international dimension, such as private equity structuring, cross-border investments, structured finance, IP structuring and international trade. Christos received his Master of Laws (MSc) in Tax Law from Oxford University. He was trained from a Big4 company and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, the Advanced Diploma in International Taxation (ADIT) of the UK Chartered Institute of Taxation, as well as being a qualified Chartered Accountant in England & Wales. He is currently an LLB candidate (final year) at Frederick University Cyprus. Christos is a contributor to international tax publications such as IBFD, Tax Notes international, Bloomberg ΒΝΑ, International Tax Review and IFA as a national reporter. Furthermore, Christos is currently a member of the Τax Policy and Strategy committee of institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus. Christos is also a freelance lecturer for Τolley’s (LexisNexis) in Greece, Cyprus and Ukraine, where his main areas are ADIT Paper 1 Principles of lnternational Tax. Christos is a well-known personality in the tax world, where he is a regular speaker at a wide range of conferences.