TRANSFER PRICING Operationally, a restructure can improve efficiencies and drive business performance. Taxand’s global team of dedicated experts helps you to approach transfer pricing and business restructuring not merely as a matter of risk management but also as a highly effective international tax planning tool, supporting documentation requirements, effecting business restructuring arrangements, and supply chain value creation.
INDIRECT TAX IIndirect taxes such as VAT and GST have a huge impact on your business. With the introduction of consumption based taxes around the world and fluctuating VAT rates to plug ever growing budget deficits, keeping abreast of legislative change to ensure compliance is key. Our indirect tax consultants help you plan strategically to reduce your indirect tax costs by developing efficient indirect tax structures, preventing leakage and averting the damage that can be caused by non-compliance.
COMPENSATION TAXEffective employee remuneration is critical to business success. Tax, and regulatory rules are increasingly complex and constantly changing. Taxand’s global compensation tax team provides proactive tax advice, regulatory oversight and best practice expertise.
REAL ESTATE TAX Real estate tax Cyprus has become an international asset class—and real estate transactions have become more complex than ever before. To make sure your investments in property achieve the best possible after-tax performance, you need dependable, practical cross-border tax advice. Taxand’s global team of real estate tax experts provides that advice throughout the entire lifecycle of your investment.
ENERGY TAX Energy is critical. Balancing supply and demand, sustainability, security risk, cost, and the need to act responsibly while managing a tax-efficient operation is challenging. Today, companies in the energy sector face unique operational challenges, whether it’s in exploration, production, refining, transportation, distribution, or the ultimate sale to the consumer. We at TAXAND can assist with our Energy Tax Services in Cyprus.
M&A TAXEvery M&A Deal Has Tax Implications. Many Create Tax Opportunities That Organisations Overlook In The Rush To Get The Deal Done. Taxand’s Global Team Of M&A Tax Specialists (M&A Tax Services Cyprus) Provides Proactive Advice Throughout The Lifecycle Of Your Investments.
TAX DISPUTESWe’ll be there to support you through the challenges of a tax audit or controversy, ensuring the most thorough and strategically sound advice. With tax administrations around the globe becoming increasingly disputatious, exposure to global task risk is greater than ever. We’ll be there to support you through the challenges of a tax audit or controversy, ensuring the most thorough and strategically sound advice.
FINANCIAL SERVICESFinancial services clients are facing an evolving array of challenges in the current economic climate including increased regulatory scrutiny, legislative changes and more stringent capital requirements. At Taxand, our specialist Financial Services tax teams advise on highly complex issues. Our aim is to provide tailored, workable solutions to the highest professional standards that enable our clients to gain a competitive edge.
PRIVATE CLIENT SERVICESThe decisions you take, not only as an individual or shareholder or company owner, but also as an executive, a director, or a manager have an impact not only on your personal situation but also on your tax status.
South Africa
South Korea
Puerto Rico
July, 2024
STI Taxand in collaboration with M/HQ and Re/think, successfully hosted an insightful and interactive webinar on “Navigating UAE Transfer Pricing Essentials.” The session was conducted as a live webinar and […]
We are pleased to announce that STI Taxand participated in the Cyprus International Businesses Association (CIBA) Forum 2024, one of the key events for business and tax professionals in Cyprus. […]
We are delighted to launch the 2024 edition of our survey on the “Economic Employer”, a concept used in many countries to define an individual’s true “employer” for tax purposes, […]
May, 2024
February, 2024
The latest edition of the Taxand Global Transfer Pricing Guide is a critical resource for any multinational organisation seeking to create efficiencies in its strategic management of transfer pricing. In […]
August, 2023
The article appears in Bloomberg Tax, published by Bloomberg BNA.